Artists, Visionaries, Girl Bosses
Our entire elite team of instructors, staff and photographers at Academy of Glam is laser focused on the mission: to develop you as a makeup artist, as an individual and as a brand.
Academy of Glam instructors are part of the The Dream Team hase been hand selected by Victoria Duke based not only on their credentials and success but also on their strong ability to communicate, educate…. and inspire.
Victoria Duke has assembled a consortium of experts in order for students to master state-of-the-art techniques, develop world-class portfolios and cultivate their true potential in artistry and in life. At Academy of Glam, you will gain skill, knowledge and power with hands-on instruction by leaders such as top industry makeup artists, a Fortune 500 beauty industry executive, a leading social media strategist for millennials and our students’ favorite instructor, a multimedia celebrity makeup artist…Victoria Duke, herself!

Taryll Atkins. The Game Changer. Lead Makeup Artistry Instructor.
Taryll has a skillset that is almost impossible to find in the beauty industry. Not only is she a highly successful, seasoned working makeup artist, she also is a gifted educator, passionately committed to sharing her knowledge, expertise and of-the-minute techniques with aspiring makeup artists. She plays an integral role at AoG and has a track record of helping change lives.
Her high level of experience combined with her natural ability to connect, listen and educate with infinite patience make her an absolute standout for AoG students. Simply put, Tarryl believes in giving back and helping others grow and achieve success.

Netta Nicosia. Licensed Cosmetologist and Makeup Artist.
My name is Netta Nicosia. I am a fully licensed cosmetologist and makeup artist. I began working in a salon as a shampoo assistant in my hometown of Dania Beach at the age of 14. After less than a year , I knew I wanted to be a hairstylist . I decided to do the dual enrollment program during my senior year of high school . I attended Sheridan Vo-Tech at the age of 16. I received my diploma and license to do hair at the age of 17.
I spent years building my clientele , and evolving as not only a business owner , but also a woman.
I have always enjoyed working behind the chair. Hair color was my passion until I started doing formal hairstyling for weddings and events. I thoroughly enjoy the creativity I get to have with styling hair in updos.
I decided to attend Academy of Glam at the age of 33 so that I could add makeup to my already growing wedding business . It was the best decision I ever made . Since then my business continues to grow and at this time, I have a team of artists that I work with to accommodate any size wedding or events beauty needs . Academy of Glam also taught me the art of theater makeup, as well as face and body art.
I was asked to teach hair at AOG in 2017, and really enjoy being able to share my passion. The amount of flexibility that doing hair, makeup, face painting has giving me while being a mother has been incredible . The best part is I’m always challenging myself and my creative abilities and it feels amazing.

Daisy Correa. The Indispensable Producer. Lead Instructor -Special Effects & Enrichment Artistry. Director – Photo Shoots & AoG Elite Models Program.
When you first meet Daisy, you’ll be immediately struck by her warmth and sincere desire to take care of your every need at AOG. As our lead instructor for Special Effects, students rave about our Miss Daisy, not only for her absolute dedication to assure each individual learns and masters the intricate principles of Special FX technique but also for her kindness, patience and dedication toward the performance of each and every student under her wing.
Daisy is indeed a unique find in our industry and AOG is fortunate to have her touch lives, build students’ expertise and help broaden their range within budding portfolios.

Gina DeCinque. The Inspirationist. Art, Color, Light, Theory Instructor.
A great artist makes a great makeup artist. That’s a guiding principle belief of Victoria Duke and it’s why when creating the curriculum for AoG, Victoria insisted that appreciation and mastery of light, dimension and color theory stand at the core of AoG instruction. Yet, finding the perfect instructor to unleash one’s inner artist is a daunting task.
Enter Gina DeCinque. Gina is the absolute perfect blend of award winning, certified art educator and top notch working makeup artist. The programs that Gina has developed and teaches at AoG are unlike any in the industry. Through her vast experience as both an art educator and makeup artist, she teaches makeup artists to view their craft as a true art form. Her knowledge of art technique and how it overlays into the field of makeup artistry is unmatched.

Ashley Schillaci. The Wow Factor – Hair and Lead Artistry Assistant: Multi-Media, Special Photo Shoots and Bridal.
They say that big things come in small packages. Observe the talent of this demure 5’2” fireball of artistry skill, style creator and image maker and you’ll know the saying fits perfectly here.
At AoG, you’ll find that Ashley is always cool as a cucumber. She’s the one who keeps the steadiest hand no matter what is going on around her. With the patience of a saint, combined with an unwavering desire to help other’s master their craft, Ashley is a very valued presence within the AoG classroom. Students love how she enjoys working one-on-one with them, assuring that they build both confidence to succeed and master level technique.

Chloe Duke. The Millennial Mastermind. Expert Advisor: Social Media, Marketing and Personal Branding.
It’s not just because Chloe recently graduated summa cum laude from the University of Florida nor the fact that she presently is a social media strategist for one of the country’s top advertising agencies that we love having this whip smart dynamo as a regular contributor to our robust curriculum and programs. It also could be that she is a chip of the old block, and calls Victoria Duke, Mom.
Chloe is a highly talented millennial who understands today’s generation of make up artists.. It also helps that Chloe has been around make-up her whole life. She gets the business of beauty and enjoys helping students learn ways to leverage their own social media platforms. In a nutshell, students love when Chloe is in the house at AOG because she is young, beautiful, talented role model…and an amazing coach, mentor and inspiring educator.
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